A list of tools for digital marketers. I curated the most accessible and user-friendly creation, automation and other needs tools for various situations such as content editing, SEO writing, graphic design, audience monetization and much more!

Why did I choose these tools?

These tools are used almost daily by me. I use it in several digital marketing strategies. Over time, I will make in-depth evaluations of each one.

Best Digital Marketing Tools

Google Search Console

Essential tool for anyone who produces content for blogs, websites and online stores. It helps you understand how people organically get to your pages.

Google Analytics

Google tool to understand how the traffic is on your website. Which pages are most accessed, how is the flow of users, page loading time.


Tool for producing images, presentations and short videos. Essential for anyone who doesn’t use Photoshop. (and for those who use it too, haha)

PageSpeed ​​Insights

Tool to measure the speed of a website and know what can be improved/optimized. Essential for anyone with a website.


Great tool for keyword planning for content production.


Tool to analyze the competition’s websites and come up with content ideas to produce.


Tool for diagnosing websites and monitoring the positioning of keywords.


Tool for diagnosing websites and monitoring the positioning of keywords.

Best productivity tools


Tool to help organize messaging apps that are used a lot on a daily basis, such as Whatsapp, Telegram, Discord… It’s worth testing.


Best task management tool in my opinion.


Best digital project management tool for teams.